Thursday, August 21, 2008

New oil and gas rules worry ranchers The proposed oil and gas rules and regulations seem to cross the line when it comes to government interference in allowing landowners use of their own property. They aren't necessarily directed at Colorado agriculture, but certainly have caught many of us in their cross hairs. The rules, as initially written, would have stipulated the details of “proper” interim and final reclamation by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, not left the specifics to the landowners through negotiation of a surface use agreement between the landowners and the oil and gas companies. CCA members have joined with members of other agricultural associations in a group known as Colorado Agriculture to assure that our property rights are protected. Together, we have worked with the legislature and urged them to recognize the dangers inherent in government intrusion of property rights. As several producers stated in testimony before the commission, producer members make daily land use decisions based on goals and objectives. Those producers may raise crops, hay or native forage for their livestock; determining their choices on markets, weather, finances or other needs. Rules presented would limit their rights and the ability to make decisions about their land....

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