Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Palin's Importance When Alaska governor Sarah Palin was chosen for the McCain vice presidential ticket, most attention was on her beauty-queen past and down-home North Woods family life. In reality, she's the powerful governor of Alaska, the most pivotal state in the union for energy. John McCain understood well that it's the one state that can liberate the U.S. not just from high prices but from increasingly threatening enemies whose power derives solely from high oil prices. Alaska was purchased in 1867 explicitly to ensure America's energy future. Palin's leadership has done much to develop Alaska's energy resources, but the state is still stonewalled by Congress. Palin's strong Alaskan presence in Washington will change that....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can Palin help with our national security, when she and her husband didn't want to be part of the U.S.
Country First? Hah.