Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Who’s afraid of the big bad lamb? Ask the coyote under the porch

It took them two weeks, but they eventually caught one. Wildlife agents in eastern Oregon have been after two wolves since these predators killed two dozen lambs and a calf in three separate attacks. One of the wolves responsible for these attacks was captured May 3, the day before the species was removed from the federal list in Oregon. Wolves remain protected under the Oregon Endangered Species Act, however. Once these biologists got a hold of a critter, they decided an electronic collar would help track the animal’s movements and activate guard boxes to warn the landowner when a wolf approaches the ranch. The landowner can’t do anything, of course, because these wolves are still protected by the state endangered species act. This all seems logical to some people, but it certainly doesn’t make any sense to the ranchers in Oregon. Or anywhere else, in my opinion...OthelloOutlook

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