Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Can Farm Groups Kill the Climate Bill?

Despite a much-publicized deal struck for agriculture in the House energy and climate bill, many farm groups are lining up against the legislation emerging from Congress. The reluctance of groups like the American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Pork Producers Council to get behind the measure threatens to kill it in the Senate, according to some political analysts. On Friday, the House passed legislation, 219-212, setting up a mandatory nationwide cap on greenhouse gases. "Agriculture can in effect hold this bill hostage," said Barry Rabe, a public policy professor at the University of Michigan. "This suggests we're only at the beginning of the negotiating process."...NYTimes

1 comment:

MikeSnow said...

For the sake of everyone, let us hope farm groups can help kill cap and trade.
Too many businesses have already jumped ship in hoping to maintian 'a place at the table.' This is a wrong headed strategy. Included here is John Deere which has joined the USCAP.
No guts no glory.
People need to keep this in perspective: The US is already over 10 Trillion in debt. The Dallas Federals Reserve estimates UNFUNDED OBLIGATIONS at 'over 99 Trillion.'
And the US Congress want to ad trillions more to that debt via global warming legislation!!!