Monday, July 20, 2009

Groups push to slaughter horses for meat

Ranchers, Native Americans and others are pushing for the renewed slaughter of horses in the U.S. -- possibly starting in Oregon -- and processing them into meat. Groups are lobbying Congress to introduce a bill this summer to allow the U.S. Department of Agriculture to resume inspecting horse meat for human consumption. That would reopen the door to foreign exports. In addition, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are considering building a slaughter and processing facility -- possibly for pet food -- on their reservation north of Madras, as recommended last spring by a coalition of Northwest tribes. Yet the efforts, in addition to riling animal-rights advocates, underscore a rural-urban divide and the desperate state of America's horse industry. Supporters say they need a way to deal with tens of thousands of unwanted horses. The glut was caused by factors such as uncontrolled breeding, closure of the last U.S. horse-processing plants two years ago and an economy that has left many owners unable to pay for feed and care. The situation has led to a steep decline in horse prices, overgrazing on Native American reservations, and incidents of horse abandonment and neglect, among other problems. "We think it is very fair and accurate to say there are probably 100,000 horses that would go to processing today" if a plant were available, said Wyoming state Rep. Sue Wallis, a rancher emerging as a national leader in pushing to reinstate horse slaughtering...Oregonian


Dr. John said...

Sue Wallis is my leader, but consider this. Instead of dog food, which would be very unpalatable to dog owners,how about using this highly nutritious meat to feed the children in this country and in other countries where a good nutritious meal is what these young children need. Who would object to this except ,Mary Landrieu, John Ensign and Wayne Purcell?

Zonie said...

I am so appalled by this! Horses are beautiful and useful creatures. I makes me sick for you to make a meal out of them!!!

Dan said...

Chickens and cows are beautiful and useful animals too but we don't think twice about eating them. What's the difference?
I have a better solution. Take every human being that dies and use their bodies to feed the hungry. The dead aren't using their bodies anymore and it's a waste to put them in the ground or to cremate them when they could help so many starving people. We use dead people's organs already to save other human's lives. How is this any different? They could sign a consent card just as we do for the removal of life-saving organs.