Friday, September 04, 2009

Wolf Lovers Rip Into Lewiston Hunter

Robert Millage’s phone wouldn’t stop ringing Wednesday and his e-mail in-box was choked with messages. Most of the people contacting Millage are not happy with him, and they are not shy about letting him know. He’s been called a wolf murderer and every dirty name in the book. I have a thick skin and a good sense of humor. What am I going to do, yell back at them?” he said. “I obeyed the law and did what (Idaho Department of) Fish and Game wanted us to do. I can sleep well.” On Tuesday, Millage, of Kamiah, became one of the first hunters in Idaho to legally kill a wolf. He was featured in several news stories that quickly went around the globe via the World Wide Web. Before long, some people opposed to wolf hunting posted Millage’s contact information on Web sites like Craigslist and Facebook. He received about 50 phone calls and hundreds of e-mails...SpokesmanReview

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