Friday, October 30, 2009

Democrats have a cow over testimony on global warming topic‏

The Democratic majority objected to my appearing at a House hearing on Thursday morning addressing AstroTurfing in the global-warming-advocacy industry. The majority were not amused by the prospect of a discordant note being struck. As such, the Republicans will have no witnesses. They have agreed to this after being challenged. In Washington, times such as these are called "weekdays." The hearing actually has devolved into something of an effort to rehabilitate certain Members who are now imperiled by their vote for the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, particularly Tom Periello of Central Virginia (my Congressman, who has been hoodwinked by someone into stating, in defense of his vote, that the reason we are losing jobs to India and China is because they’ve already passed Waxman-Markey-type laws. Really. I agree we need to find out who is spreading such scurrilous tales to our lawmakers). Anyhow, it seems that pointing out how, where, and by whom this practice of deceitful industry lobbying in the “global warming” context was invented and is now used, and employing inconvenient words like “Axelrod” and “Enron” was deemed non-germane. The hearing will go on with no need to sully things by allowing you to hear the following. I believe that the Republicans will seek to introduce my written statement into the record. In the event that lightning strikes twice and the grave offense of introducing contrary thought in the form of my written, substantiated testimony is also objected to by the majority, here’s my slightly shorter oral testimony that would have been more

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