Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Raccoons attack woman

A 74-year-old woman is recovering from injuries she received after being attacked by five raccoons at her front door Saturday evening, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said. Gretchen Whitted of Lakeland was seriously injured in the attack that happened about 5:30 p.m. at her home at 1210 Waterford Drive, the sheriff's office said. "She was gashed open around her legs," said Sheriff Grady Judd. "We're not talking about a lot of little bites here. "She was filleted," he said. Whitted heard a noise outside her house and saw five raccoons in her back yard. They then migrated to her front yard. She opened the front door of her home to wave the critters away, but when she did, they attacked her, biting and scratching her legs. Whitted fell and the animals continued to attack her...read more

HT: Outdoor Pressroom

1 comment:

Veli said...

Aganigi afrodizyak 'ı cinsel ilişkiye girmeden önce 30 -

60 dakika arasında bol suyla alırsanız daha fazla memnuniyet vererek extra etki sağlamaktadır. Türkiye de ilk hem bay

hemde bayan üzerinde etkili olan aganigi sayesinde partnerinizle birlikte gece boyu aynı zevkleri ve aynı mutluluğu


Ereksiyon ve sertleşme problemleri yaşayan kişiler de daha fazla etki sağlayan bu ürün cinsel hayatı kabus olmaktan

tamamen çıkarmaktadır. Bu azdırıcı sayesinde gün ve gece

boyu sanki ilişkiye giriyormuş gibi ereksiyon halinde olarak eski mahçup ve üzgün günlerinizi geride bırakabilirsiniz.

Aganigi afrodizyağı kimler


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Bay ve bayan Cinsel güç artırıcı ve doğal bir bitkidir.