Monday, January 11, 2010

Horse Owners & Rural America call for boycott of Carrie Underwood, Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow & Others

The members and supporters of the United Organizations of the Horse (UOH) call on every American who supports the rights of horse owners, and the principles upon which this country was founded to protect the ability of Americans to enjoy animals in their lives, to make a living in the time honored professions around animals and animal agriculture, and to raise their children in a wholesome environment that is not constrained or dictated by big, wealthy so-called “nonprofits” and their paid-for-hire celebrities who are becoming a deadly cancer on our society. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and their many minions have been bankrolling an all out assault against the people of the land, and their ability to sustain a valuable culture of responsible, sustainable stewardship of the land, and the animals. Recent reports show that HSUS paid 41 people salaries in excess of $100K each, their leader makes over $250,000 per year, and they spent less than ½ of 1% to actually help a single dog or cat, let alone a horse. Their dollars all go to hire celebrities, produce media events, and buy off politicians. Their primary purpose is to create drama, manipulate the emotions of those who don't live and work with animals every day, and draw even more dollars into their over-bloated accounts. “What hurts the worst,” says Sue Wallis, Wyoming state representative and executive director of the United Organizations of the Horse, “are people like Willie Nelson, who has done so much good for agriculture with his Farm Aid concerts, turning against the folks who make their living from the land, and swallowing whole the ridiculous conclusions of radical groups making wild assertions about the extinction of wild horses...nothing could be further from the truth. He needs to go to the country, see the devastation of overpopulation for himself, and work with the rest of us to find a solution that allows our children and grandchildren the ability to see a sustainable number of horses in the wild forever. The approach that he is advocating only leads to miserable starvation for the horses, destruction of the environment for every living species, and devastation of families and communities.” more

1 comment:

shari said...

What a liar you are Sue -the pathetic part is your not even a good liar- the only animal thats over populated on our public - yes sue i said our public land -that doesnt mean its your private feedlot- anyway the only animal that is overpopulated and it is certainly not starving are private welfare cattle - 9 million of them - and liars who slaughter horses like you are over populated-cause one is too many of you- go crawl back into your and i mean your hole sue not one on our public lands. And willie is not being paid to stand up for horses and against liars like you- he has something you don't sue-a brain and a heart.