Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Obama Announces "No American Left Inside"

President Obama released a memorandum that urges federal and state lawmakers to fund outdoor recreation programs. The memorandum has been referred to as "No American Left Inside," and is specifically focused on finding ways for Americans to connect with the great outdoors at a low cost. Obama specifically focused on urban environments where such programs do not currently exist. This covers everything from the public acquisition of private land for parks and preserves, as well as integrating outdoor activity and wildlife exposure into public school classrooms. Critics of Obama's plan point out that no specific enforcement or money has been committed to the presidential memorandum. To some critics, Obama's announcement is an appeal to moderates and Republicans who have been wary of the president's stance on gun control and fair use of public land. If the America's Great Outdoors Initiative passes muster, it could mean a swell in government jobs related to conservation and outdoor recreation. An outreach program will be put in place to ascertain where services are needed the most and what wild areas require more protection...more

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