Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cowboys, Horses and Haciendas: Photographing the Old West

he Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, offering exceptional photography workshops since 1986, is offering "Ranchers, Ramblers & Renegades: Portraits of the Old West", July 7 - 11, 2010. During this workshop, participants will be photographing people who make their living ranching, training horses, raising cattle — these individuals aren't models “pretending” to be Ranchers, Ramblers and Renegades — they're the real deal. Because we have established personal relationships with the owners of ranches and haciendas where we will be photographing, participants will be able to have unique experiences unavailable to “tourists”. The workshop will focus on environmental portraiture and understanding how to make great images utilizing the quality and direction of natural light...more

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