Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthing camel babies is not for the faint of heart, Perry farmers say, video report

It's hard to say who was groaning the most — the baby camel or Wynona Passow. Lanky legs and neck sprawled too far forward, then too far backward. That black, furry newborn was going to stand and nurse somehow, Passow decided. The mother camel blinked long, dreamy eyelashes and watched carefully as Passow coaxed the big baby to the mother's side. "The females are lovely," Ralph Passow said, watching his wife try to turn the baby toward the patient mother. "But the male camels will kill you." About 30 minutes earlier, Ralph Passow had helped the camel deliver by tugging on the baby's legs. Wynona's usual task of getting mom and baby together began soon after and continued, off and on, more than an hour later. Ralph, 72, and Wynona, 69, have been raising camels for a decade. The Passows found that camels are not only good for eating thistles; people rent the dromedaries for birthday parties and other events for $500. Customers from Chile, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and numerous states in the U.S. have bought camels from the Passows. This year, the couple sold 11 camels at $2,500 for the males, which become placid once they're castrated, and $4,500 for the females.....more

Here's the video report:

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