Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spill commission asks Obama to consider executive action on drilling

President Obama has asked his staff to look into executive actions that could help make offshore oil drilling safer. In an exclusive interview with The Hill, the co-chairman of the national commission investigating the BP oil spill said Obama told staff to look into possible executive actions during a Tuesday meeting with commission members and key administration officials at the White House.  The commission's final report, issued Tuesday, lays out specific steps the administration and Congress should take to prevent future spills. The report has revived talk of passing oil-spill response legislation, but two senior House Republicans have given a cool response to the recommendations. Former Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), the commission co-chairman, told The Hill that commission members made the case to Obama that the administration has the authority to begin instituting a number of important safety measures. Graham, who outlined items in the report that could be addressed through executive action, said Obama instructed his staff to “analyze” the areas in which the administration can move forward without action from Congress...more

And now what are all those Republicans who supported "executive action" under Bush II gonna do?

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