Friday, March 04, 2011

Michael Blake And Wild Horse Advocates Petition To Impeach BLM Director

Wild horse advocates call for the impeachment of federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) director Bob Abbey, based on a little-known—and rarely used—provision in the Rules of the House of Representatives (Jefferson's Manual, Section LIII, 603) which states that citizens may initiate impeachment charges against "Officers of the United States" through a petition referred to as a "memorial." Vivian Grant, president of the Int'l Fund for Horses (IFH), joins with Oscar-winning screenwriter Michael Blake (Dances With Wolves), alleging the BLM under Abbey's watch has violated the Free-Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971, resulting in fraudulent use of public funds. "I believe crimes are being committed against our wild horses and burros," states Grant, "Crimes that must be prosecuted and responsible federal officials removed." "After the first Thanksgiving, Indians began to be destroyed," explains Michael Blake. "In addition to many others, the American Government allowed millions of Wolves and Buffalo to be executed. For more than a hundred years millions of Wild Horses have been devastated forever...all for money. Stopping the incessant removal of life on this small planet could provide humanity with a chance to maintain existence. Stop the killing now!"...more

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