Thursday, February 09, 2012

Update on Goss takings trial. (they won)

Kara Goss Cochran wrote on the Wall for Federal Takings Case Sacramento Grazing Allotment.

Kara wrote: "The trail is over, and as SGA's lawyer explained to us, Sacramento Grazing Association has won.

The Judge did find that the water rights belong to SGA and that the water was taken from SGA.

As far as compensation for these takings, (to my VERY LIMITED understanding) that is to be determined at a later date.

There are more details to the Judge’s recommendation to be addressed by the Forest Service, the Governments lawyers, Sacramento Grazing Association, and SGA's lawyers, although I’m uncertain at this time of all those details.

Thanks to everyone who came to the trial to support our family, and also thank you for all the prayers and love. Praise God!"

Laura Schneberger

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