Saturday, May 11, 2013

NPR Coos Over 'Creating Passionate Environmentalists' To Pressure Colleges to Dump Coal Stocks

Today’s proof that National Public Radio is your taxpayer-funded rip-and-read press-release service for the Left: a Morning Edition story summarized as “College Divestment Campaigns Creating Passionate Environmentalists.” Reporter Elizabeth Shogren compared Brown University's anti-coal campaign to anti-apartheid campaigns of the 1980s: “Students at more than 300 colleges in the United States are asking their school's endowment fund to distance themselves from any coal-producing companies.” NPR’s chasing after Rolling Stone and The Nation magazine in promoting the fight to stop "climate change"...NPR won’t be checking if these “dozens” of students are grass-roots or astroturf. Guess who else is thumping Brown to divest, as they tout on the BrownDivestCoal website: billionaire Tom Steyer, the “Koch Brothers” of the greens. The greens at Brown (along with McKibben) were also promoted in December by the public-radio show Living On Earth...more

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