Sunday, December 07, 2014

ObamaCare and your cows

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on November 25 that “chain restaurants, similar retail food establishments and vending machines with 20 or more locations” must post calorie counts on their menus or menu boards. The new rules were required by a provision in the Affordable Care Act.  Neither CBS, nor NBC interviewed any food experts who disagreed with the new regulations when they reported on the FDA’s announcement during their evening broadcasts November 25. Instead, both networks’ coverage overwhelmingly supported the regulations rather than questioning the effectiveness of the new rules.  According to the November 25 Wall Street Journal, complying with these regulations will cost $1 billion during the first year alone and “hundreds of millions of dollars” subsequently...more 

Michelle O's messed up school lunches, and this is the first step in messin' up the rest.

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