Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Lisa Bundy to NewsmaxTV: Authorities Trying to 'Break' Ammon

The heartsick wife of jailed rancher Ammon Bundy says authorities have locked her husband in a cramped, pitch-black cell, in a misguided bid to "break" his spirit and force him to cooperate with their probe into his armed takeover of a wildlife refuge in Oregon last month. "It is a 6x6 cell. No mat to sleep on, just pretty much a board. He's got a small toilet and a small sink to wash his hands and that's pretty much it. There's no sunlight, there's no window," Lisa Bundy said Tuesday in an exclusive interview on Newsmax TV's "Dennis Michael Lynch: Unfiltered." "There's a small tiny [space] they feed the food through. He's supposed to have one hour [outside], but it's been cut. One day he only had 15 minutes … And they're also taking time out of visiting [privileges] with his lawyer. So that's not right." Lisa, a mother of six, said her husband does not deserve solitary confinement. "I think that they are trying to — many have said — break him and the others to the point of where he might not be thinking straight. But it's important to note that he hasn't even been convicted of a crime," she said, adding that a court has so far refused him bail. "We own an orchard … [and] have a lot of work to do here as a family and what he's done, he's done. He educated, which is what his plan was — to get people that study the Constitution, learn their rights, learn of their freedoms, and that's it." Lisa Bundy told Dennis Michael Lynch she and her husband should not be written off as crazy, right-wing radicals. "We're not at all. In fact, we have a family of six children, we love our family, we would prefer to just focus specifically on them," she said. "But we also love our neighbor and when we see these wrong things happening, we have to act, we have to help our neighbor. We're not crazy." Lisa also said she's gratified by a huge showering of support from people across the country...more

Here's the NewsmaxTV interview:


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