Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Eyewitnesses dispute $6 million in Oregon standoff costs

Eyewitnesses of the Oregon standoff are adamantly fighting claims that occupiers have racked up roughly $6 million in costs, including property damage, to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. On Tuesday, Guy Finicum, the brother of Oregon occupier, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, met with media in Fredonia, Arizona, to discuss the controversial photos of the refuge that have been shared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Guy Finicum, whose brother LaVoy was shot and killed by law enforcement on Jan. 26, visited the refuge in Harney County in early January saying he had become concerned about what was happening after hearing different media reports about the anti-government standoff with federal authorities. He said he was given the opportunity to sit in on meetings with the group leaders where they talked about maintenance and taking care of the refuge headquarters, which had been taken over on Jan. 2. “These people were respectful people, they were sincere, they were speaking up in defense of the fellow citizens of Harney County; they were peaceful but they were resolved about getting their message out,” Finicum said. “But one thing that is absolutely certain is they were very serious about taking good care of that property.” According to Finicum, several of the photos posted by the USFWS were actually taken by the occupiers themselves to show the disorder the property was in before they arrived. He added that the photos show “maybe some clutter” but very little damage, noting once all the occupiers left the refuge there was no longer anyone taking care of the area...more

You can watch the press conference at the link provided.

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