Friday, December 08, 2017

Enviros win on monument, but still distort the record...and my record

Obama gave them their monument, and Zinke let them keep their monument. You'd think they would declare victory and move on. Apparently not, as you can see from these two comments concerning my Tuesday post. Below are the comments from "Hemingway" and from "anonymous",(whose writing style is remarkably similar to that of Greg Lennes), followed by my response.

Hemingway said...
I am so tired of lies told about our National Monument in our community by a small minority - lies, lies and more lies!
Frank DuBois said...
Poor Hemingway, he misses the target again.
He says he's tired of the "lies, lies and more lies!", and then provides a link to an article that dispels four lies.
Problem is, none of those four items have ever been asserted by me in any of my writings or comments.
Better luck next time.
Anonymous said...
I read the anti-wilderness commentaries by Mr. Frank Dubois, who is an Agenda 21 conspiracy believer, that viciously attacks the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument In fact, Mr. Dubois has made this outlandish statement: "You must realize this (the wilderness proposal) will be under United Nations authority. There is much more to this story. These two senators (Democrats) need to be removed from office for such actions."

It is hard to believe that Mr. Dubois was New Mexico's Department of Agriculture Secretary for 15 years. Mr. Frank Dubois’s erroneous and misleading anti-wilderness commentary on border security is the epitome of arrogance. It seems that he wants us to envision drug mules all over the Organ Mountains. He makes it appear that the Border Patrol has no way to chase these drug traffickers except maybe by bicycle. Mark Twain once wrote: “A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies.
His remarks are just a political agenda voicing anti-Federal government rhetoric.
Frank DuBois said...
My poor friend, you’ve struck out again.

Strike One. “…Mr. Frank Dubois, who is an Agenda 21 conspiracy believer…”

I’ve been blogging since 2003 and writing a monthly column since 2010, and I don’t recall ever mentioning Agenda 21, much less characterizing it as a “conspiracy”. I look forward to you attempting to substantiate this, because I know you can’t.

Strike Two “…Mr. Dubois has made this outlandish statement: "You must realize this (the wilderness proposal) will be under United Nations authority. There is much more to this story. These two senators (Democrats) need to be removed from office for such actions."

I’ve been studying public land law since 1974 and have never uttered or written such a statement. Provide a link to substantiate your source or withdraw your statement.

Strike Three “Mr. Frank Dubois’s erroneous and misleading anti-wilderness commentary on border security is the epitome of arrogance. It seems that he wants us to envision drug mules all over the Organ Mountains”

I’ve never said or indicated there would be, “drug mules all over the Organ Mountains”. In any discussion on wilderness and border security I always quote the language in the Wilderness Act. How can quoting the language in the Act itself be anti-wilderness? If you disagree with my interpretation, please state so and explain why.

Your tactic of ascribing views I don’t have, along with providing false quotes and stringing it all together with words and phrases such as “viciously attacks”, “conspiracy believer”, “outlandish”, “epitome of arrogance”, etc., discredits your entire presentation.

There are proponents of these environmental designations who can provide spirited and reasonable debate on these issues. Clearly, you are not one of them.


Anonymous said...

"Enviros win on monument, but still distort the record.."

D.E.M.O.C.R.A.T. -

Distorted Environmentalists Mismanage Our Country's Resources And Treasures

Anonymous said...

As to the latter commentator on Agenda 21: I was enlightened on Agenda 21 by the late, great Derry Brownfield on this topic. I sent for and received a copy of Agenda 21 from the UN in New Yawk City at no charge in a timely fashion after requesting such. For years, at county meetings, I have referred to the booklet during discussions when no one else was remotely aware that the herd mentality such as in 'smart growth' was prescribed by the UN agenda. This clearly takes the "theory" out of the conspiracy contrived by our betters. So, let the mal-informed accuser of the 'conspiracy theory' come forth and we can sit together, hold hands, & eat cupcakes with pink icing, and read verbatim from the booklet after he washes the never, never land icing from his messy sticky fingers.
Mr Dubois is the closest thing walking on 2 hind legs to Brownfield these days.