Sunday, August 29, 2004


The Mummy Speaks Ancient remains preserved intentionally or accidentally tell much about past human diseases caused by indoor air pollution from poor quality energy supplies and equipment. Yet today in sub-Saharan Africa and regions of Asia more than 90 percent of households lack electricity and must rely on hazardously burning coal, wood, vegetation or dried animal dung in open hearths or poorly ventilated stoves for their cooking and heating needs. Daily, thousands of Africans and Asians die as a result of that energy poverty. The irritating particles released by the unvented and unfiltered indoor biofuel burning lodge in the lungs and trigger pulmonary disease. Globally, such indoor air pollution causes 36 percent of lower respiratory infection and 22 percent of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to the World Health Report 2003, Shaping the Future....

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