Sunday, October 24, 2004


New Approach To Water Problems

Water fights are not new to Texas; since before the Lone Star State joined the Union, water rights have been bartered, litigated, fought over, bought and sold for years, and are as contentious today as they have ever been. But a new study from the Texas Public Policy Foundation finds an emerging technology might alleviate those fights in the future. The study, “Hold The Salt: The Promise Of Desalination For Texas,” was written by James Smith, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Construction Science at Texas A&M University. This report succinctly explores the opportunities and costs of desalination. Smith notes that if the technology is to be used to the greatest extent possible, it will have to happen as a result of public water works allowing the private sector to have an enhanced role in the design, construction, operations and maintenance, and financing of desalination facilities....

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