Thursday, June 02, 2005


While serving as the NM Secretary of Agriculture, I was always wanting staff to keep me briefed on current issues, but I never received the kind of info I wanted. So, what you have been seeing at The Westerner is the kind of daily briefing I desired. Further, I have done my searches in the late evening and early morning, so that when you fired up your computer in the am you had THAT days news in front of you.

Although I retired in June of '03, Sweet Sharon has threatened to kick my crippled ass out of the house unless I bring in some more dinero. Since I still enjoy shelter and food, I accepted a new position in January. I'm finding I can't stay up all night searching for news and meet my new responsibilities, so some changes are in order.

The Westerner will now appear more like a regular blog, with me posting items as I find 'em, all hours of the day. I will still give you excerpts or a summary of the article, but they won't appear in one bunch and I won't be able to place the posts based on subject matter. As a result, some news items will appear earlier than before, while others won't be as timely. It will also mean you should check in more than once a day if you want to keep up with the happenings here.

Tomorrow, I will let you know about the additional subject matter to be covered by The Westerner.

If you have any complaints about the new approach, email me and I will give you Sweet Sharon's email and phone number....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll bow to your changes. I can live with them if Sharon can. As far as complaining to her I choose to remain silent. East Tx. is way too close to you for me to get verbal.