Monday, June 05, 2006


Stewards of the Range

June 5, 2006

Dear Members,

I am sorry to deliver this news to you, but early this afternoon, my good friend and the great man we all admired and supported, Wayne Hage, passed away peacefully at his home on Pine Creek Ranch.

A few weeks ago, Margaret showed him the many letters and notes all of you had sent to him, and he was overwhelmed at the warm thoughts and prayers that were within these. They gave him great comfort in his final days. The family wanted to make sure you knew how much these were appreciated by him.

Funeral arrangements are being made by the family now and we will let you know when the service will occur.

God Bless Wayne Hage.


Frank T. Duran

To all who cherish liberty, we have lost a great man.

It was my great pleasure to have worked with Wayne for many years, primarily on grazing and property rights issues.

His mind was top notch, usually many steps ahead of all those around him. Not only was he brilliant, he also had the courage of his convictions. The many transgressions against him and his family by Federal officials never once resulted in a step backwards or an inclination to relinquish his rights.

Wayne was also an educator. He did not seek to keep his knowledge to himself, but chose to share it with all who had similar interests.

Many who do not even realize it owe a great debt to Wayne Hage. He has cleared a path for all owners of property, all grazing permittees and all proponents of limited government. That path was cleared with moral courage, legal finesse and a gentleman's demeanor.

Lord how I wish he had lived to see the fruition of his property claims in court.

I will never forget him, or the many things he taught me, or his constant fight for liberty.

Frank DuBois

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