Sunday, January 28, 2007


In the spring of 2006 I heard that a film crew from National Geographic (NG) had been up at Points North Sask. so I emailed several departments asking for more information. Frustrated by much of the misinformation out there I had wanted the opportunity to at least speak to someone involved in the production. They responded but indicating they did know about any coverage being done regarding Kenton’s death.

This summer an hour long Documentary / Story was produced by NG and titled “Shadow Stalkers” as part of their Hunter Hunted series. They have broadcast this story via USA satellite on numerous occasions. The Story is loosely based on Kenton’s tragic death and mixes some fact with fiction. This show includes enactments of their interpretation of the circumstances and events. It appears they have obtained some actual evidence related to the case and then blended in their own footage and fabrication to create a story. The credits at the end of this production list Dr. Paul Paquet and SERM (Sask Environment Resource Management). Several people I have talked to are surprised/suspicious that NG would produce and rush to air such an incident prior to all the facts being presented and verified.

Below is a letter, which I wrote to National Geographic in November asking them to STOP airing this Story, thus far they have not responded to me.

Press Room National Geographic
November 23, 2006

Regarding the Hunter Hunted series documentary “Shadow Stalkers”. I have reviewed this production carefully and objectively. I believe your documentary has numerous errors, assumptions, exaggerations, and has fabricated evidence. It appears possible that this movie has been created with the intention of misleading the public.

I have been personally very involved in the actual death this story is based on. I have also interviewed most of the key witnesses and examined the exact area. I have spent the last year reading all available material on possible predators and spoke to many experts at great length.

The loss of a child is one of the most difficult challenges a parent ever faces. Our grieving process has been compounded by the poorly researched media coverage of his death. Kenton Carnegie was an honest, caring and sensitive young man. Distorting his cause of death the way this movie has done is beyond reprehensible. Sensationalizing the death of my son the way you have is contemptuous.

Shadow Stalkers demonstrates the danger of bad biology and is the epitome of a bias Biologist. I believe the upcoming inquest will clearly prove our son was attacked and killed by wolves.

Shadow Stalkers is a poorly researched and prematurely released production. I am requesting that you STOP airing this movie until the inquest is finished and all the true facts are available.

Kim Carnegie (Kenton's father)

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