Monday, October 20, 2008

It's All Trew - Necktie: Torture device of men's fashion The necktie, one of the few men's fashions to survive 400 years of change, will be presented to 4.5 million dads on Father's Day each year. Since there were four kinds of ties used down through the ages, the words "neck," "waist," "head" and "knee" must be used in conjunction with the word "tie" in order to properly identify the object. Strangely, the industrial revolution, which brought the rural masses to work in the factories in the cities, contributed greatly to the use of neckties as factory overseers and company officers wore the item to emphasize their position and authority. This also began the establishment of "white-collar, and blue-collar" levels of employees. The modern look of the necktie was designed and patented in 1924 by Jesse Langsdorf. The unique design of bias-cut and three-piece construction allowed the invention to be patented....

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