Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Enviro's: We've Won, Please Help!

Thanks to the recession and the arrival in Washington of a perceived green-friendly administration, the coffers of nonprofit environmental organizations are shrinking. For instance, the much-maligned Bush Administration's support of energy development was certainly good for eco-fundraising. Either cash-strapped, or believing that the bad old days are over, many of those dependable liberal donors have fled, under the impression that their financial support is no longer needed. Consequently, national and local grassroots green groups are cutting back on expenses and laying off staff. "Until we have a clearer picture about how the crisis will affect [sic] giving, we are keeping a close eye on spending and making sure our resources are devoted to our top science-driven priorities," Amy Golden of the Nature Conservancy told the New York Times during last fall's initial banking crisis. The layoffs and cutbacks continue, as they do across the entire nonprofit landscape. Despite his rhetoric about our "energy crisis," the infamous cap and trade bill passed in the House and headed to the Senate, and green-directed economic stimulus (with marginal results, so far) -- President Obama is bad for business; green business, that is...AmericanSpectator

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