Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Book offers "cowboy" recipes

"Cooking the Cowboy Way" is subtitled "Recipes Inspired by Campfires, Chuck Wagons and Ranch Kitchens." From the rural life in Florida to Texas to Alberta, author-restaurateur and chef Grady Spears has gathered recipes that take hearty ranch and trail fare and kicked them up to a delectable sophistication with the use of authentic ingredients with a twist. Many are the specialties of inns and ranch restaurants around the country. The book is more than a recipe collection; it is a celebration of a life lived in harmony with nature and the outdoors and the active life of ranchers and rural folks, celebrating the myths and realities of what Grady calls "the Cowboy Way." From "Cooking the Cowboy Way" by Grady Spears and June Naylor (Andrews McMeel Publishing, October 2009)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want a cookbook with real cowboy recipes, developed on ranches around the west check out the Gourmet Cowboy at

You can also follow the author at