Wednesday, March 03, 2010

ATF Confiscates Toy Guns

In the same week that the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing a landmark Second Amendment case, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) wrongfully confiscated $12,000 worth of Airsoft toy guns. The shipment of Airsoft toy guns was seized in customs by a BATFE agent who made a determination that the inner mechanism of the Airsoft toys could easily be modified to accommodate real ammunition. The toys were confiscated as a result and the BATFE has promised to destroy them. The Airsoft toy guns fire round BBs that are basically tiny plastic beads. Most of the Airsoft toy is made of plastic and would blow-up if you tried to fire real ammunition through it. Clearly, the agent who confiscated the Airsoft toy guns has no real-world understanding of live firearms. There is absolutely no way that an Airsoft toy could be converted into a real firearm. Why is this agent still employed by the BATFE? Doesn't it seem like you should know what a firearm is if you are going to work for the Burearu of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives? It is also worth noting that the same models of Airsoft toys guns that were confiscated are readily available and legal all over the country and have been for years. As usual, the BATFE agent is not required to prove his claims. He simply made a ridiculous accusation and confiscated private property without due more

1 comment:

jed said...

Yes, but those BB guns could put someone's eye out. I mean ATF knows what is best for us, right? It is not as if our government should treat us like morally autonomous individuals. We only exist to pay taxes and to do what the government tells us to do. Anything else would smack of freedom.