Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Song Of The Day #330

Ranch Radio continues with a look at 1962.

We all know what happened in the 60's, and sex was in the air on the country charts too. (I'm still trying to figure out how the Sexual Revolution just seemed to pass me by. I know that during the American Revolution I'd a been right there with ol' George and that during the Industrial Revolution I'd a had dollar signs all over my saddle blankets. But during the Sexual Revolution somebody must have locked me in the barn. Actually, now that I really think about it, I tried like hell to be a participant in the revolution!)

Anyway, the #1 & #2 songs in 1962 were about cheatin' and riskin' your life to get a little lovin'.

#1 was Carl & Pearl Butler's Don't Let Me Cross Over and #2 was Claude King performing Wolverton Mountain.

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