Monday, November 08, 2010

Trew: Did lost colony in the Okla. Panhandle exist?

Numerous stories abound about Robber's Roost near Kenton, once a haven for the William Coe gang of outlaws. Believing they were outside the federal law in No Man's Land, they built a rock fortress hideout complete with hotel accommodations, saloon and ladies of the night. Determined local citizens, tired of their numerous crimes caught and hanged the entire gang. Though unproven by records, some say the attack was aided by a mystery Army cannon borrowed from somewhere used to blast down the walls of the rock fortress. In January 1901, The Cimarron News printed a letter received from Woodward County, Okla., stating a colony of prominent citizens would be starting and settling a colony in the northwest corner of the newly established Beaver County. The letter stated they had filed on approximately 12 sections of land, intended to start a lumber yard, a brick yard, establish farming, ranching and mineral development. Following newspapers told of new settlers arriving almost daily, one wagon train containing a dozen or more wagons of supplies and equipment. Listed among the new colonists were an ex-congressman, and Temple Houston a famous attorney from Oklahoma and Texas, two doctors and many other prominent businessmen. As many as 40 families might be included in the new colony. Then, on June 28, 1901, came the last mention of the new colony. After that, nothing. No doubt there was the start of a colony. Did they stay awhile and leave? Did they all leave at once? Did hard times take its toll? Are descendants of the first settlers still living there?...more

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