Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pizza, potatoes, salt, whole grains? Congress has the answer

American soldiers dying overseas in questionable wars. Domestically we have huge deficits, credit down-grades, recession, unemployment and "occupiers".  Meanwhile our Congress is focused on...the school lunch program.  If you've ever wondered about the extent to which the feds are involved with our kids, education and agribusiness, check out Pizza is a vegetable? Congress says yes by the Associated Press.

This whole thing reminds me of an incident when I was a brand new legislative assistant to Senator Domenici.  The Senate Committee on Ag had a subcommittee on nutrition,  chaired by George McGovern with Bob Dole as ranking.  I was told to attend a hush hush meeting.  When I got there I found out the meeting was guessed it: the school lunch program.  I thought "what the hell am I doing here", especially when I found out they were plotting a Congressional reversal of Sec. of Ag Earl Butz's decision that ketchup was a vegetable (because of the tomatoes).  Now here we are almost 40 years later and fighting over pizza (tomato paste).

One other thing.  About this time Nixon was on a diet and eating a lot of cottage cheese.  He really didn't like the cottage cheese and said the only way he could eat it was with a nice helping of ketchup.  The dairy industry got mad because he was bad mouthing one of their products and the ketchup industry told him to try it on his corn flakes.

The DC Deep Thinkers can't balance the budget, but they can sure tell your kids what to eat at school.

We need a separation of school and state, the sooner the better.

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