Monday, January 09, 2012

Tebow 4 President


Tick said...

It's been all over the airways, both on talk shows and mainstream media how Tebow threw for a season-high 316 yards and set an NFL record with 31.6 yards per completion. It's being connected to John 3:16.

All season I've been reminded over and over of Matthew 6:5-7.

Frank DuBois said...

Tick, so you don't like him praying on the sidelines? Me, I don't care one way or the other. I root for him because of the people who are rooting against him.

Besides, other sources have told me they always pray before imbibing "Tick's Camp Coffee". No way they can do that in private.

Tick said...

No amigo, now you're putting words in my mouth. I don't care either. All I said was it brings the passage to mind. It is brought to mind often nowadays, not just in sports. I like Tebow, I root for him and I'm sick of the folks that root against him too.

Prayer can be a two edged sword, if you're praying to God to win then you are praying to God for the other guy to lose. That's fine in war and politics but has no place in sports.

On the other hand I have no idea what Tebow is praying FOR. Maybe the same thing I pray for (in my fashion), a good clean game with no injuries and may the 'best' man/team win.

Or then again, he may be simply proselytizing in his fashion. Makes for good conversation but since I haven't talked to him lately God only knows. ;-)

Go, uh, oops. Go Packers!

Tick said...

Frank, I forgot to add, most folks are found praying AFTER they've had my coffee.