Sunday, October 06, 2013

Obama Shuts Down Ocean

In a move that is being driven by monumental hubris, the Obama Administration has informed Florida charter boat operators that they are not allowed to take customers fishing in the Florida Bay until the feds get back to work. The Park Service has verboten use of 1,100 square miles or prime fishing between the tip of Florida to the Keys. They've prohibited access to the ocean. Heck, why not the air? There's air in those national parks that belongs to the federal government -- not the people, the government. It's been clear since before it started that the shutdown was just theater and that Obama would try to make it as painful as possible for us little people. We've seen this with the closing of national parks, the barricading of national monuments. The images of elderly WWII veterans being blocked from visiting the memorial dedicated to them has angered people across the country. When the veterans tore down the barricades the first day, the Park Service went back and put up stronger fences with double locks...more

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