Thursday, July 03, 2014

Feds move to enact shooting limits in large area of Colorado land

The United States Forest Service has proposed a plan to restrict public use of a 625-mile area of Colorado, encompassing most of the state’s Front Range foothills and Interstate 70 Mountain Corridor. The plan proposes to close current areas and possibly establish new ranges for recreational sport shooting (RSS). Besides the increase in overcrowding of the area, the land is often left looking like a garbage dump. Forest Service officials assert that recreational shooting in these zones not only poses a risk to other users of the public land, but that the areas are often left littered with beer cans, old appliances used for targets, and mountains of spent casings. “We’re all working together on this, but when the recreational shooting public sees it, they’re going to get outraged very quickly,” said Steve Yamashita, acting director of the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife. The Forest Service maintains that it will establish other areas for RSS, but it has closed shooting areas in the past due to environmental concerns before offering alternative lands for shooting. After a significant number of live trees were blown to bits in Mount Evans recently, the Forest Service closed the area to shooting without offering new alternative areas for the activity...

So you can smoke dope, make love, beat drums, play naked Frisbee and cook 500 lbs of pasta on Forest Service land, but drop a beer can and they'll shut you down.  And "mountains" of spent casings?  Colo. sport shooters must all be rich.


Anonymous said...

Yup, "mountains" of shell casings is about right. I live and recreate in the area and have spent many, many hours picking up after these recreational shooters. Literally truck loads of trash from one location alone. And they aren't even talking about the 100's if not 1,000's of trees shot down.

Leland22 said...

I hope "anonymous" is keeping the hulls and selling them. With the amounnt they are talking about, someone can make a good second income with those "mountains" of casings.