Sunday, March 08, 2015

Rodents to be given human rights under Green Party plans

Animals would be protected under human rights laws and new taxes imposed on nappies under plans to be considered by the Green Party. The insurgent environmentalist party, which hopes to hold the balance of power after the General Election by winning up to ten seats, will also propose creating a fleet of hospital ships to serve the developing world, cutting the size of National Lottery prizes and banning the Grand National. The policies, set to become official policy during a series of debates on Saturday, underline the radical ambitions of Britain’s fastest-growing political movement, which now has 55,000 members – more than the Liberal Democrats or Ukip. Natalie Bennett, the party leader, this weekend heralded a “peaceful political revolution” at the General Election...more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deciphering the politically correct euphemisms, what they really intend to do is selectively reduce humans to the status of rats but they don't want to admit it.