Sunday, April 20, 2014

Baxter Black - Western migration more like invasion

The legalization of marijuana in Colorado has brought attention to a common point of contention that has happened in state after state. It is a generational change, a population shift that is the result of the inevitable roll of civilization.

It also marks a shift from rural to urban.

Over the years, I have watched certain western towns and cities evolve into mini-metros that no longer belong to the state that bore them; Santa Fe, Aspen, Missoula, Sedona, Monterey and Deer Valley. They become baby Berkeleys or Austins or Madisons. They grow and metastasize. They start changing the laws, the values and the livelihoods of the invaded towns and states into those from the cities the migrants left behind.

It is often referred to as “Californication.” The new wave of settlers leave the state of their upbringing because it’s too crowded, crime is omnipresent, politics are corrupt, freeways are snarled and it’s no place to raise a family.

One day, on vacation, they drive through a western city with spectacular views, open space, friendly folk and not much crime, so they buy a piece of property. They build a second home and commute back and forth. It’s so quaint that they stay.

They bring with them the conveniences and expectations they took for granted in their metroplex. The locals originally look at it as a blessing, a taxable addition. The more they cater to new money, the deeper they fall into the trap of dependency.

Then the newcomers begin to miss the attitudes and modernity that made big city living bearable.
“This is the 21st century! Let’s get with it!”

They have no historical sense of intrinsic value or the hardship of generations, or the workin’ man culture. They are Princess Di trying to fit in with Duck Dynasty.

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