Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cliven Bundy: Fight Goes On Until Federal Bureaucracies Disarmed

Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who along with hundreds of supporters stood down the Bureau of Land Management over the weekend, says the fight will not be over until all federal bureaucracies are disarmed. Sounding more like the leader of a rebellion than a cattle rancher in a land dispute with the government, Bundy told Fox News Channel's "Hannity" on Monday that he wants all county sheriffs in the United States to take away the weapons of "federal bureaucrats." "They might have took over our Clark County sheriff, but they never took over 'We, the People' – the sovereign people of this nation. We're standing, and we're going to stand until we take the guns away from those bureaucracies, and then we'll start making America great one more time," Bundy told host Sean Hannity...more

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