Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Coalition Of Western States forms to Protect Against Federal Overreach

A newly-formed coalition of state legislators, sheriffs, other representatives and leaders in the patriot community has been announced today (4/14) at the site of the recently-liberated Bundy Ranch.  The new alliance, called the Coalition of Western States, was  joined today by an additional 20 state legislators from Idaho, Montana, Washington, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada.  They’ve vowed to stand their ground, along with their fellow countrymen, to fight back against the war on rural America and the plundering of land by an increasingly overreaching federal government. The announcement made at the Bundy Ranch site,  just outside Mesquite, NV was led off by Rep. Matt Shea (WA). Shea said that one of the main goals was to facilitate the transfer of public lands back to the state level, and to have the states and counties manage the lands, “not far-away Washington DC”. Michele Fiore, Assemblywoman, District 4, Nevada had a reason to join the coalition.  This recent event virtually happened in her back yard.  Fiore stressed the importance of getting to know who’s running for office.  She urged the people to ask tough questions and find out where the candidates stood on the issues, “and know they’ll stand on the front lines when a disaster like this is about to happen.” Barry Weller, Vice Chairman, District III, Apache County Board of Supervisors (County Commissioner equivalent) Called for the thousands of other supervisors to stand up for their citizens.  “we are like the sheriff, we are to protect our citizens, not to rule over them and [tell] them what to do.  We’re here to protect them.  We need to stand with them, and to protect them.”...more

Coalition Of Western States...COWS


  1. drjohn7:25 AM

    where is Wyoming?

  2. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Sadly this group is being organized by the radical and militant Oath Keepers - a dangerous anti-government group:

  3. Anonymous12:03 PM

    This article fails to admit that Oath Keepers are behind this movement:

  4. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Glenn Beck is really concerned that extremists were using the incident to promote acts of violence. "We did some research online with PsyID today," Beck said on his show, "and found that there's about 10 or 15 percent of the people who are talking about this online that are truly frightening."

  5. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Retired Sheriff Richard Mack just said on the radio that he believes "women should be 'the first ones shot' in order to send the most effective message." This is so crazy!

  6. MandaLynne8:53 PM

    The Oath Keepers are not dangerous to anyone. Promising to uphold the Constitution, refusing to follow orders that are anti-Constitutional and therefore illegal, and protecting the American people from those who would try to circumvent it is admirable.

  7. John Jacob9:22 AM

    Oathkeepers a "dangerous anti-government group?"

    Outright lie! They swore to uphold their oaths and are pro-government. They're anti-tyranny.

    Anon, you've been duped by the anti-American indoctrination of the Southern Poverty Law Center!

    ...just like the author of the article you linked.
