Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Harry Reid on Bundy Ranch Showdown: 'It's not Over'; Rory Reid says Bundy should be Prosecuted

Following remarks Senate Majority leader Harry Reid made at the University of Nevada, Reno on Monday, the Nevada Democrat told Reno's KRNV TV his thoughts on the cattle controversy in Gold Butte. "Well, it's not over. We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it's not over," Reid said.  Rory Reid appeared on KSNV's What's Your Point with host Jeff  Gillan and told Gillan that Bundy should be prosecuted: "He is not victim and he’s not a hero. He’s been using that he doesn’t own for over 20 years  and he didn’t pay. He broke the law. There are hundreds of ranchers throughout Nevada that conduct their profession honorably...".  Reid continued, "I think most people care about their reputation and I think he’s been exposed as somebody that has broken the law. The Nevada Cattlemen Association, which is the trade organization that advocates for cattlemen in the state of Nevada—not even they support Cliven Bundy at this point. We believe in a country in which we are subject to laws and you cant just ignore the laws we don’t like. I think clearly if state and local prosecutors look at this more closely, they’re going to find that he broke the law and he should be prosecuted."...more

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