Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Judge Napolitano on the Cattle Battle - video

 Judge Napolitano says the feds backed down because they were losing the PR battle. He also said, “The federal judiciary should not be deciding what land the federal government owns,”and “The government’s option is to take the amount of money he owes them and docket it, that is file the lien on his property….the federal government could have done that, instead they wanted this show of force”.  Instead, the Judge said,“They swooped in….with assault rifles aimed and ready and stole this guy’s property, they stole his cattle, they didn’t have the right to do that, that’s theft and they should have been arrested by state officials”.  Napolitano said Americans feel “enough is enough with the federal government, we’re drawing a line in the sand right here – and it drew people from all around the country who basically said ‘quit your heavy handed theft of property and act like you’re a normal litigant and not God almighty’.”

Its good watching.


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