Thursday, April 24, 2014

Southern Oregon ranchers legally kill 500 pound black bear

 A nearly 500-pound male black bear was legally killed by north Lake County ranchers earlier this month after it killed a large heifer and was found in the family’s herd of cattle. “It’s a whopper,” said Craig Foster, district wildlife biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. “It was shot legally,” Foster said, emphasizing Marie Leehmann, a third generation owner of the 24 Ranch in Summer Lake had actually gone beyond legal requirements by obtaining a kill permit. “Marie and the Leehmanns went the extra mile above and beyond what they had to do by statute.” Field biologists said the bear weighed 490 pounds, stood 6-foot-5 and was 13 to 15 years old, based on tooth samples. Foster said the largest bear he had previously seen weighed 345 pounds. The Leehmanns said two calves had been previously reported missing. Foster said if the large bear killed the calves, it could have easily carried them off to be eaten. The agricultural damage permit was issued after it was determined one of the Leehmann’s yearling heifers, which weighed 1,100 to 1,300 pounds, had been killed by a bear. Estimated value of the heifer was $1,000. Two days later, on April 4, Leehmann was checking the cows when a bear ran out of the herd. Her son, Ryon, shot the bear within a quarter-mile of the home...more

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