Monday, April 14, 2014

The Left Goes Bonkers Over Bundy, He's A "Pigheaded...Welfare Rancher" Supported By The Koch Brothers

In this post a lefty writes:

For a brief moment in time these itchy-fingered gun nuts, anti-government ‘patriots’, conspiracy lunatics, anger management counseling drop-outs, T-shot junkies, weekend warriors and guys who were just trying to get out of mowing the lawn, had a man they would follow into hell if need be, in the person of Cliven Bundy: a pigheaded deadbeat welfare rancher in the Nevada desert. Except, in this case, it’s more: cattle rancher illegally grazing his cattle on land that is not his for over twenty years, refuses to pay for it, keeps going to court and losing, threatens anyone who goes near his welfare cows, uses the word ‘sovereign’ like it is magic, and vows to go to Alamo/Ruby Ridge/Waco/Masada on anyone’s asses who argues with him.

In a post titled Occupied In Nevada…By Koch Backed Right-Wing Nut Jobs   you'll find:

As the standoff between right winged followers of Cliven Bundy in Nevada comes to an end, one has to wonder, who is behind this madness? Is this a poor farmer standing up to a big oppressive government or is there something even deeper than that? According to various sites, Bundy is being used as a pawn by the Koch Brothers

And in "Feds Turn From Landlords To Warlords": Koch Groups Back Rancher Making Violent Threats Against Federal Gov't the author writes: 

AFP Nevada's Facebook page posted a graphic attacking the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for spending "one million dollars" to enforce the court order to round up Bundy's cattle on federal land. Another photo attacked the Bureau for creating a designated "First Amendment Area" for protesters to gather in near the property.
The Koch brothers are major funders of Americans For Prosperity (AFP) and the facebook pages of the Nevada & Colo. AFP affiliates posted photo's in support of Bundy, therefore...the whole thing was orchestrated by the Koch brothers. 

But there is much more as Bundy is being called a far-right domestic terrorist  lawbreaker, of encouraging armed rebellion against the federal government of being a traitor who's actively harming America and his action had nothing to do with freedom or justice but was guided by greed with no regards to our environment.

I thought the lefties were full of compassion and believed in diversity and inclusion.  Let's give Bundy credit - he has peeled the facade off their true being and exposed it for all to see.

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