Thursday, April 17, 2014

Trump: Nevada Rancher in Position to 'Cut a Good Deal' With Feds

Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump thinks Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy is in a strong position to cut a deal with the government and should do so before violence breaks out. "It's over the top. It's very strong. I like him, but you also have to say … you do have a certain law," Trump said Wednesday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity."  "I like his spirit, his spunk," Trump said. "He ought to go and cut a good deal right now.... What are they going to do, shoot each other?" Trump and host Sean Hannity both said they feared just that over the weekend as agents for the Bureau of Land Management showed up with a force of 200. Supporters of Bundy, including private militia members also showed up to support the rancher, and the BLM was forced to back down.Bundy also appeared on Hannity's show Wednesday, where he has been a regular guest. Bundy, son Ammon and daughter-in-law Briana spoke from the Bundy ranch. Asked whether he feared an armed raid on his home, Bundy responded, "They've been hassling me in the courts for 20 years, they sent their army after me. Whatever they want to throw at me I'm ready to take. I'm sure not scared of them." "We believe the Lord will protect us," Briana added. Bundy has said he would surrender to the county sheriff or state authorities, but not to federal officers, whom he does not recognize. "We have abided by all Nevada state laws," Bundy's wife, Carol Bundy, said earlier on Fox News Channel's "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren." "We believe that the state owns this land constitutionally." Bundy also says federal agents shot and killed two of his prized bulls when they seized 400 head of cattle earlier. One was shot five times, Bundy supporters told Fox News...more

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