Sunday, April 28, 2019

We want King George!

We want King George!
The BSAs
By Stephen L. Wilmeth

            When was the last time you heard somebody whistle on a recorded tune?
Although it wasn’t universal in yesteryear, the attempt to blend human whistling accompaniment into a song was certainly out there. Billy Walker comes to mind as one artist who could stand in front of an audience and get the job done.
            It is a lost art, and, if you think about it, whistling has largely gone from our lives, period. Seldom do you hear anybody whistle a tune.
            Whittling is no different.
            All of us who carried a pocket knife by the time we were ten years old used to be pretty proficient carving something. We knew what the value of a sharp knife was, too. It was so much a part of our lives there would be someone in our midst who also had a whetstone in his front pocket. If there is no recollection in your mind of riding in the back of the school bus and comparing each other’s knife sharpness (without fear of a capital offense by possession thereof), the implication might be advanced that your perspective of this world is certainly different than ours.
            Telling the truth?
            Well, that is an implication that predates our tenure here. What can be said, though, is there just might be a cause and effect algorithm that, once perfected, could detect a higher degree of honesty by a segment of the population that can … whistle and whittle.
            The idea the federal government has the right to spend two bits more than each dollar it collects and charge it back to us is treachery.
            This seemingly normal and acceptable operating procedure makes the statement “We the taxpayers are footing the bill” only partially true. Indeed, we are paying 80% of the ocean of money being thrown hither and yon, but the other 20% is being added to our future tab and the debt of the unsuspecting next generations.
            This absurdity is so bad the money collectors in the federal temple will be forced to curtail all spending beyond their vote garnering health care programs, Social Security, and interest on debt by 2041. Defense and all other spending agents will be sitting around with empty grocery carts.
            We don’t even know what we actually pay in taxes. What can be deducted is the current federal 80% we pay eats up about 29% of our income. When you add the local and state stipends the number is up to at least 39% and then the silent stuff (the gas taxes, the booze taxes, the mordida to the inspectors, et. al,) gets immersed into the pot without a clear understanding of anything.
            The fact is we the tax payers are doing a pretty descent job of sending money eastward, northward, and other points to the compass. The tax harvest through the first six months of the current fiscal year is a record, but you wouldn’t be able to prove it by the rate of growth of the national debt. Spending has been so blatantly and wildly ambitious the growth of the federal debt has not slowed. The minimal annual addition to the tally is something around $900B, but that can’t be believed because that is what the government is predicting. Count on it to be more than that.
            We must recognize the fact that taxes we pay will never be enough. When one horizon is reached the next will be revealed.
            The Bull Sh*t Artists (BSAs)
            The mantra of the Dems is a dichotomy of fiction and fact. On one hand they lie about everything, but, at the same time, tell the unbridled truth. It is clearly set forth in their unwavering intention of raising taxes. They are coming after all our wealth. They’ve got causes and plans in their futures the extent of which are not even fathomed much less revealed.
            They aren’t alone, though. The Repubs practice the art of hallucinogenic oratory which is always backed by falsetto bravado. Their 2016 platform best describes the fallacy of their empty commitment.
            Our National Debt is a burden on our economy and families, and they swore they were going to impose firm (spending) caps in the future.
            That, of course, has worked out to witness a 13.7% spending increase since their nemesis, the fellow that occupied the White House before them, left office. Any way you cut it they own the result.
            The reality is dismal. Both (Constitutionally silent) bastions of hooligans are a genuine collection of BSAs. They speak with forked tongues in unity with the majority of their predecessors. They have graduated to be polarizing automatons, and we are expected to pay the freight.
            It’s apparent by their ratings. The collective deceit is wearing thin.
            We want King George!
            Recently, there was an article circulated that arrayed the freedoms extended to the prerevolution Patriots serving under King George with the freedoms (or lack thereof) of modern citizens. It was quite revealing. We are not free by any stretch of the imagination.
            The absolute disregard and accelerating insults waged against American taxpayers (less than half the population) transcends all common decency. What is apparent is that We, the People should not have been an afterthought as indicated by the Bill of Rights, but rightly included first and foremost in the Constitution as the real Article I.
            The Framers simply underestimated the degree of tyrannical inclination career BSAs would garner. Theirs is a quagmire of treachery and largesse. The supposed cornerstone, us, is ruled by laws that impose stepwise demands automatically as if they are ordained by some political deity. That is tyranny.
            Perhaps the only recourse to the mounting debacle is not found in the Constitution at all, but in Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration of Independence.

            Stephen L. Wilmeth is a rancher from southern New Mexico. “As a reminder, the Framers and the Founders had no intention of allowing permanent political careers.”

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