Issues of concern to people who live in the west: property rights, water rights, endangered species, livestock grazing, energy production, wilderness and western agriculture. Plus a few items on western history, western literature and the sport of rodeo... Frank DuBois served as the NM Secretary of Agriculture from 1988 to 2003. DuBois is a former legislative assistant to a U.S. Senator, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior, and is the founder of the DuBois Rodeo Scholarship.
Tuesday, May 07, 2019
Bumblebee Species Possible Listings Further Threatens California Ag
The Fish and Game Commission (Commission) is considering four bumblebee species to be listed as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). The Xerces Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Center for Food Safety filed the original petition for the species to be considered. The petition was referred to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) which prepared an evaluation report to move forward with the process for consideration. The four species include Franklin’s bumblebee, the Western bumblebee, Suckley’s cuckoo bumblebee, and Crotch’s bumblebee. “The biggest concern from our standpoint is it identifies three areas connected to agriculture as being potential culprits in the decline in those species,” said President and CEO of Western Agricultural Processors Association Roger Isom. “Agriculture is one of the primary targets…it’s just one more attack not only on pesticide and herbicide use but on agricultural in general. The fact that the Department of Fish and Wildlife has indicated it merits further review scares me, so I think it’s something we need to be involved in.”
The CDFW determined there was enough supporting scientific information in the petition to move forward with further consideration to classify the four bumblebee species under CESA. The evaluation reports various factors that are impacting the survival of the petitioned species, several of which include agriculture. One of the factors eluded to in the report is that the amount of available habitat for the bumblebees is threatened. “They claim agricultural land is taking away habitat. As far as I understand, agricultural land in California has actually been reduced but nonetheless they claim that ag land is increasing and it’s taking away the natural habitat for these [bumblebees],” said Isom...MORE
OK, bumblebees supposedly decline as expansion of crop agriculture erases their habitat. But the article preceding it states that in order to create fake meat, you first have to grow peas, canola seeds, palm trees, apples (acetic acid), potatoes, and beets. How is that saving the planet OR maximizing the land use efficiency needed to feed an exploding population of humans on the planet?