Wednesday, March 10, 2004


The latest news from the Diamond Bar impoundment.

Kit and Sherry have both had run ins with USFS LEO's. Kit had met the contractors in passing on the road the past couple days and had no other contact with them as he has stated he would not interfere with them. However, the USFS set up another blockade in the middle of the enclosure on the road, to force him to stop so that they could issue him a ticket for trespassing onto the allotment. Kit says that he is traveling on the easement that he should be allowed under federal statute, the exact argument that the courts will not hear. He feels he is not in trespass in any way shape or form, nor will he interfere in the impoundment proceedings.

Sherry and Dale, Kit's brother came upon 4 contractors yesterday, they were accompanied by one USFS personnel member from grant county and 2 USFS LEO's who were heavily armed. The LEO's informed Sherry they were interfering with the impoundment by taking pictures and speaking to them. One was carrying what appeared to be a machine gun. Sherry got his badge number and name. Don't ask me to release it.

The contractors do not appear to be cow men however there are several of them and may be able to gather a few cows here and there at this time there are about 20 of the gentler cows in the pens at Meown. No one has any idea what they plan on doing to load or haul them. The Laney's usually drove them 20 miles to the neighbor at Beaverhead but that will not be possible for the impoundment and there is no way to get a semi truck into Meown. This will be an extremely long drawn out expensive process.

The USFS is now trying to market the cattle into Texas. Word has it that the sale ring they now want to use also refuses to accept them.

Laura Schneberger

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