Sunday, July 18, 2004

Gaia or God?
Whether it's global warming in particular, or environmental issues in general, people tend to split into two camps on the subject. The two views really aren't reconcilable, and most folks can't even articulate why they feel the way they do. This is because our beliefs reflect an underlying philosophy, a worldview, a paradigm of the way things work that has been shaped by our culture, upbringing, and our personal strength of spirit.

Not many folks will think about it much or question it. For most people, either you believe that the world has been created for mankind's use, with a certain resiliency and stability, or you believe it is just a cosmic accident, fragile, and overly sensitive to our meddling. The creator may be the biblical God; or as a scientist friend of mine believes, some as yet unrevealed Life Force. For many of those who don't believe in a creator, the spiritual need in their lives results in the uplifting of Mother Nature as the ultimate spiritual entity. Some even deify the Earth as a living, breathing being, usually called Gaia. A few people so strongly believe this that they are willing to commit acts of domestic terrorism to keep Gaia from being violated with the chainsaw or SUV. When we confer the same rights on trees as we do people in today's world, conflict is sure to follow. A number of Christian churches have become very active in the environmental movement, pushing the envelope of stewardship over the creation to what some would consider to be Earth-worship.... 

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