Sunday, February 13, 2005


The Green Machine

Forget about the monolithic coal-burning power plants with their phallic smokestacks issuing streams of noxious fumes. In the future, small armies of sleek, powerful wind-turbines set among serene, green rolling hills will power all our homes. At least this is what the marketing people at "green" power companies would have you believe. And maybe they're right? As nations across the world come to realise the benefits of unleashing market forces, deregulation of both energy production and provision is taking place. In seeking a means to differentiate their product, power companies are pushing green energy alternatives to their customers. This is all well and good for power retailers, as green power improves their image and revenues. But what is it really? Do we need green energy? Is it actually "green," and what does it cost?....

1 comment:

wctube said...

oo very