Saturday, February 03, 2007


Jacob Sullum says the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit appears skeptical of the President's claimed authority to indefinitely detain enemy combatants...Jeff Taylor tells us NFL attorneys have shut down the Fall Creek Baptist Church's planned Super Bowl party....Brian Doherty links to an article in Rolling Stone that asserts Al Gore would be the best candidate for the Democrats....Justin Ptak reports the Super Bowl Champs caps and T-shirts for the team that loses will be locked away and then shipped to a developing nation in Africa....Gary Galles has reported the savings rate for the U.S. was a minus one percent as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Galles says there are "serious measurement shortcomings" with this figure and what the politicians may do will make things worse...William L. Anderson posts that the Republican enery policy was "subsidies and rhetoric" and the new energy policy of the Democrats is "to lower fuel prices by forcing up fuel prices"....Manuel Lora links to an article about a man who won an $138,000 trip to space. But wait, along comes the IRS and says that is income and he owes $25,000 in taxes. The man had to cancel the trip....and finally, Amy Ridenour lays waste to a Washington Post Op-Ed on global warming.

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